Painted Pandemic: One Spring in Miami

In March 2020, our world changed. As the virus spread across the globe, we witnessed true panic and uncertainty; this drastic shift is symbolized by the colors in the shoot. The paint balloons collide with the suit to personify the abrupt manner in which COVID disrupted our lives. Furthermore emphasized by a wardrobe that’s now become commonplace: protective suits, gloves, shields, and mask.

Whether it be advanced vaccine technology or mask mandates enforced in public places, the consequences of COVID-19 continue to affect society in profound ways. We are all conjoined by our experiences in the pandemic—some of us stayed diligent, while others threw caution into the wind. History textbooks will now refer to life as pre-quarantine and life post-quarantine. All humans are connected by this moment in history.

Creative Director: Roma Williams

Photographer: Jay Degrace

Models: Jena Manning and Robert Bolton Jr.

Coordinators: Olbrine Thelusma, Nailah Anderson, Nevaeh Williams, Mackenzie Beckham, and Lia Mussie


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